Family Law

How Will This Impact
My Family?


Family Law 101

Family law is often an emotionally-charged and highly complex area of litigation. We understand that and passionately fight with uncompromising commitment for our clients – no differently than we would for our own families.  Divorce, child custody, visitation, modifications and other family law issues are both confusing and distressing. Our Job is to lead you through the process by making your options crystal-clear, allowing you to make the best possible decision for your family. We will do our best to resolve your case quickly and inexpensively.  For many clients, that means settlement at mediation, followed by an uncontested hearing before the court.  If however, your case cannot be settled, rest assured that the KRANZ LAW FIRM, PA has the fire-power to represent you zealously and effectively in court.

Following areas of family law practice

  • ​Divorce​

  • Child Custody

  • Visitation

  • Contempt

  • Modifications

Frequently Asked Questions

I am getting divorced. Do I need an attorney?

It ordinarily is a good idea to consult with a lawyer about major life events or changes, such as divorce. S/he will protect your rights, as well as the rights of your children. S/he keeps current with the laws in your state concerning marriage, divorce, marital property, child custody and visitation, and family support.

What Are The Legal Grounds For Obtaining A Divorce?
The grounds for divorce depend on the state and may be based on no-fault or fault. A no-fault divorce is available in some form in all 50 states; many states also have fault-based grounds as an additional option. A no-fault divorce is one in which neither the husband nor the wife officially blames the other for the breakdown of the marriage. Common bases for no-fault divorce are “irreconcilable differences,” “irretrievable breakdown” or “incompatibility.” Another common basis for no-fault divorce is that the parties have lived separately for a certain period of time (varies from state to state) with the intent that the separation is permanent. The list of grounds for a fault-based divorce may include adultery, physical cruelty, mental cruelty, attempted murder, desertion, habitual drunkenness, use of addictive drugs, insanity, impotency, and infection of one’s spouse with venereal disease.
How do courts determine who gets custody of children in a divorce?

If the parents cannot agree on custody of their child, the courts decide custody based on “the best interests of the child.” Determining the child’s best interests involves many factors, no one of which is the most important factor.

What is joint custody?

Joint custody has two parts: joint legal custody and joint physical custody. A joint custody order can have one or both parts. Joint legal custody refers to both parents sharing the major decisions affecting the child, which can include school, health care, and religious training. Other considerations under these types of custody agreements can include extracurricular activities, summer camp, the age for dating or getting a job, and methods of discipline. Joint physical custody refers to the time spent with each parent. The amount of time is flexible and can range from a moderate period of time for one parent, such as every other weekend, to a child dividing the time equally between the two parents’ homes. In situations where the time spent with both parents will be divided equally, it helps if the parents live close to one another.

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